This blog is an attempt to bring users of our college library in contact with online free and open access resources for educational pursuits. This has become very essential in this extraordinary situation (COVID-19). As somebody has rightly said This too Shall Pass but what matters is how we will coordinate and collaborate in this trying situation. I have made a small effort in this direction by creating this blog that lists online resources of different sort for the benefit of faculty and students alike. On the face of it, there may seem some sort of similarity of online resources but every list is customized as per that subject. therefore ensuing source only list/retrieve/harvest information sources on that specific subject field. I will be regularly adding new sources, therefore, do use it regularly for getting optimum benefit.
Besides, I inform all the students and faculty members of the college that if they for some reason have forgot username /password of NLIST portal or have not activated their membership can furnish necessary details by clicking on the following links as per their membership
For Faculty Members :
For Students
Stay home stay safe
Wish you all the very best
Dr Tabasum Maqbool